On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Michael Reichert <naka...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> I find this a really worthwhile conversation to have. IRC is still great for 
>> some but it’s hardly inclusive.
> Is http://irc.openstreetmap.org/ no web interface?

I have tried (every year for the past ~20 years) to get IRC to work.
I never have seen it work, and I am a tech-savvy person.

There is always _something_ that prevents IRC from working.

For example, I tried that link you provided, I press "Login", and it
just spins endlessly, saying "Waiting for irc.openstreetmap.org..."
Could it be a corporate firewall issue? Or is the server down? Why is
there no timeout?  Who knows, it is that user-unfriendly.

> might lack some advertisment (and maybe an modern styling).

It lacks the ability to let people connect.  IRC is a non-starter.


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