On 12/07/2016 17:29, Éric Gillet wrote:

So at least one user should reach out to the contributor before involving the DWG ? That would be great but that's not currently the case in my experience.

The vast majority of my DWG interactions with other OSM users are "if you see something amiss, please comment on the changeset discussion so that the person making a mistake knows there's a problem". It's actually rare for DWG members to see something and act immediately; most are reported to us directly, often by multiple users.

What might happen is that we jump fairly quickly on obvious sock-puppets (see for example the ones at the top of the http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SomeoneElse/blocks_by list - but even in that case the recipient has a clear route to engage with the DWG to say "you made a mistake").

To my mind, the biggest and most important requirement in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct is "document and discuss". It's important that large-scale edits (especially worldwide ones) catch the ear of those mappers and data consumers that they're going to affect. Also, sometimes well-meaning tag-changers sometimes don't have as much domain knowledge as others about the things that they're proposing to change (the "trees" change mentioned upthread was a good example of this - most needleleaved (coniferous) trees are evergreen, but not all, and the person making the (undiscussed) change didn't know that). Discussing proposed changes in the open means that everyone can benefit from that wider knowledge.

It's also important to remember that OSM is supposed to be something representing the real world, not a bunch of data that is semantically described by the wiki. Essentially, it's a geography project, not a computer science one*. There will be cases where the data that's in OSM is "a bit woolly", and doesn't quite get the sense of a real-world entity across (but without an on-the-ground survey it's difficult to say what the problem is). Sometimes the fact that OSM mappers have captured something that "doesn't quite fit" OSM's frequently used categories is really useful, because it identifies something that we should categorise better - so it's important that the _sense_ of what the original mapper reported is kept, rather than their square peg being hammered down into a round hole**.

I've read through your posts in this thread, and while it's clear that you have an issue with the way that things work now, I can't see what that problem actually is. Can you provide some specific examples of DWG actions that you think were inappropriate? What do you think should have happened instead?

However do bear in mind that just like the vast majority of people in OSM everyone in the DWG's a volunteer. Some volunteered; others were asked to join but everyone's unpaid. Also bear in mind that everyone in OSM's a human being and deserves a basic level of respect - even new users creating invalid POIs simply because they don't realise they're editing a worldwide map.

Best Regards,

Andy (aka http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SomeoneElse , member of the DWG but writing in a personal capacity).

* full disclosure - I'm part of the problem here, as I'm a computer scientist rather than a geographer by trade.

** part of my background was in statistical analysis of electromechanical data (while that was still a thing), and a key lesson from there is that you need to keep as much data as possible in order to be able to detect odd or expensive events as they occur - part of this has since been described as "black swan theory", but there's a bit more to it than that.

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