On Friday 06 January 2017, john whelan wrote:
> I think we should be trying to build the community.  We need a
> balance between adding data without limits, and building the
> community and building the community is hard.

Well - as overzealous as Nakaners intervention in this case might have 
been in a way it is a good sign that someone still cares.  When Simon 
says "Canvec and broken import is essentially a synonym" that is not an 
exaggeration, if you mention Canvec in a typical European community 
meeting you usually just get a big sigh in return.  I for one do not 
touch Canada in OSM any more, not even with a ten foot pole.  And the 
only way this would change is a permanent moratorium on Canvec imports.

But since i don't see this happening i sincerely hope you are able to 
build a big and active community even with the Canvec data - which 
seems difficult to me but it is not my place to judge this.

> My roots are in the UK, I've mapped in the UK using local knowledge.
>  I live in Canada.  Am I part of the UK local community of mappers?

To me local community means the community of local mappers.  To what 
extent a local mapper stays a local mapper after moving away and how 
far you can become a local mapper during a short term visit is an open 
question.  But this is just minor semantics.  The important thing is 
that OSM is primarily about local knowledge and human assessment of the 
on-the-ground situation.

Christoph Hormann

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