
2017-02-03 15:44 GMT+02:00 joost schouppe wrote:
> With the Belgian community, we're making some careful progress into getting
> government to really integrate OSM/VGI into their data management efforts.
> So not talking about background maps here, real data contribution or
> community engagement.

 Here's a general idea what we're doing in Lithuania.

  Government has datasets d1, d2... dn. OSM has one big dataset O
which could be split into datasets o1, o2... om. We take datasets dx
and oy which could be mapped (have similar data, like placenames,
roads, lakes, rivers, etc.)

  Automated importing to either direction is impossible (or not wanted
by both sides). Government datasets need strict accountability
(sources, documents) and responsibility. OSM has different data and
simply overwriting it with government data would be bad in a lot of

  So the way integration between OSM and government (and actually any
other datasets) is done is by synchronisation - checking for
differences and taking action (mostly manual) on them on both
datasets. By doing a comparison both government and OSM datasets are
improved. The point here is that government datasets usually use
official (document) source to update data. OSM uses local knowledge to
update data. None of these methods are perfect, so
synchronisation/comparison helps to get most/best of both.
  (as a separate note: here comes OSM strength that everything is in
one layer - it is much harder to have a road going through a lake or
building or having a street A with address B along it. Government
datasets are usually separate and controlled by different
institutions, so doing such topology checks is much more difficult

  For this to work government must open datasets and appoint a working
contact point where information about problems in government dataset
could be sent and there this information is ACTUALLY used and feedback


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