On fredag den 3. februar 2017 14.44.47 CET joost schouppe wrote:
> Hi,
> With the Belgian community, we're making some careful progress into getting
> government to really integrate OSM/VGI into their data management efforts.
> So not talking about background maps here, real data contribution or
> community engagement.
> There are some very specific issues and opportunities there. I believe the
> Canadian Census is going that way. Are there any other projects in this
> direction? Is there anything like a project catalogue around?

An employee of the Viborg municipality (http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/
1926898) working on a public "traffic security project" recently added maxspeed 
tags to all roads of his municipality based on data owned by the municipality. 
I spent some time cleaning up after his initial attempts as well guiding him 
the best I could. His plan is to proceed to add maxspeed data to all public 
roads in Denmark and just last night he posted on the danish OSM mailing list 
asking whether there's any way to automatically add all this data (of course 
receiving a bunch of responses to the contrary).

Nordfyn municipality (http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2178137) sees 
potential in using OSM for a public project classifying cycleways and footways 
etc based on an internal classification system planned to be used all over 
Denmark. I had to practically roll back their initial attempt (how come they 
are getting employees with practically no computer experience save OSM ditto 
to do stuff like this?) , but I am currently in contact with them and will be 
guiding them as they proceed (they started adding some data again today).

At least 2 public danish bus companies are using OSM for routing (I have been 
in contact with both of them) and both have been adding data to OSM in order 
to aid their efforts.

A long time member of the danish community http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/
Hammershoej is maintaining cycling routes in Denmark on behalf of the national 
danish road administration (based on data he's getting from them).

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