
On 11/13/2017 10:58 PM, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Andy, I can only assume you agree with the rest of my argument. 

Yuri, I think at this point it is time for me to stop reading your
contributions here. You are not genuinely trying to understand; this is
just a smoke-screen. You are trying to win an argument here by cleverly
jumping from topic to topic, putting words in people's mouths, and if
that's not enough you try to simply write 20x more than anybody else
hoping to wear everyone out.

This mailing list is not a high school debate club, however much you
treat it like one, and you've abused OpenStreetMap as your playground
for far too long already starting when you first lied to me about
stopping your mass wikidata tag additions. I'm tired of it and I won't
make any further attempts to explain things to you.

Just in case you are tempted to interpret future silence from me as a
silent agreement - don't. Ever.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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