Thanks Christoph, I love #386 too.  As I repeatedly stated - my goal is to
allow simpler way for community to fix issues, which in turn would lower
data consumer entry barrier. Not prove someone incorrect (despite the
appearance). Several specific issues and suggestions were raised in this
thread, and they have been resolved. I proposed that we pick a some well
understood tasks for wider review, but instead we got bugged down with
level=0 debate. Many times I stated (what I hope is a) logical argument,
but a few people pick one tiny sentence out of the whole thing and argue
about that, or do a personal attack.  Maybe I should write up an FAQ with
all the arguments raised here, and simply refer to them? It would save on
typing. In the mean time, I receive *multiple* private emails of support
from people who feel intimidated to discuss it here - and I think this is
by far the most significant problem with this discussion, and community
health in general?

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Christoph Hormann <> wrote:

> On Monday 13 November 2017, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> > Andy, I can only assume you agree with the rest of my argument. [...]
> If you have made this assumption about anyone who you have communicated
> with in the OSM community in the past you would be well advised to stop
> that and review the views you have developed based on that assumption.
> is something something most of us have stopped
> doing relatively soon after we discovered the internet...
> --
> Christoph Hormann
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