On 21 November 2017 at 14:47, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski
<m...@komzpa.net> wrote:
> "I'm worried about this. I have not performed a technical review." as a
> blocker for PR merge:
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/2939
> Basically, most of wide ~2011 dev community was hired away, and core is in
> hands of those who weren't hired away by Map* for whatever reason, be that
> lack of social skills or lack of technical skills. You've got no fresh
> blood, and there's no road map for it to improve.

I can't speak for the other projects, but at least towards
openstreetmap-carto this is very unfair criticism. In fact, what
you're describing is something I've been actively trying to combat
with openstreetmap-carto. Our project has added 8 maintainers, 4 of
which have been added over the past two years. Also in the last two
years, 22 people have contributed code through pull requests. So it's
certainly not true that it's impossible to get something merged into
the project.

Your criticism of the comment on your PR is not fair either, the
comment 'I'm worried about this' was referring to an earlier, more
detailed response, by me:

> Basically, most of wide ~2011 dev community was hired away, and core is in 
> hands of those who weren't hired away by Map* for whatever reason, be that 
> lack of social skills or lack of technical skills.

Either that, or they like to fiddle with maps at night time, and have
a day job in a more lucrative industry.

-- Matthijs

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