Most of the important stuff has been said already, so I'm just replying
because I feel like I have to, since I'm running for the OSMF board [1] on
a platform partly about "let's try and keep things fun, shall we?" [2].

Some observations :

- while the Weekly did make a bit of a harsh statement, I've been surprised
before about how people "who call out" others seem to feel like they can be
as harsh as they want to.

- the OSM weekly is constantly calling for help. If you don't like what
they're saying, change what they're saying.
In some cases, the "do it yourself philosophy" can feel like a hollow
slogan - how are you going to make a pull request to the standard map style
if you're not a programmer? In this case, all that is needed is time and

- I do agree that this quote was a bit poorly worded. It's hard to get the
point across in so few words (which is also why we shouldn't try and have
discussions on Twitter). It doesn't help that it was worded as "people are
saying", but then the last part of the sentence seems more like their own
opinion. It would probably have been more useful to state that the proposal
was controversial, coming from someone with a history of controversy, and
just point to one of the messages that tried to explain why.
In fact, the enormous size of messages related to this whole topic, means
that it would benefit from one or more opinion pieces outlining the
conflict and its background. But investigative journalism is hardly
something we can expect from the Weekly. I would in fact very much like the
Weekly team to write more editorial stuff. That would allow them to clearly
voice an opinion, and separate it more from the "real news". That said, if
you write such an editorial piece, it will probably make the Weekly.

-Criticism is often hard to receive, especially about things you do as
volunteer. Even if people do misguided things, they did them because they
believed they were doing right. And with some guidance, the next thing they
do could be great.
Anyone in the OSM ecosystem should be able to take some criticism, it comes
with the diversity of opinion. But I feel like we have "survival of the
thickest skin". I really appreciate the people in this thread asking for
attention to being more sensitive about that. It shouldn't end in bland
self-censorship, but I do feel like many of us could learn a thing or two
about non-violent communication.


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