As a rule, if somewhere large like a hospital is built then bus
companies will change their routes to serve it.

More local health centres are built to serve their local area, if you
live in a settlement of a reasonable size you will expect the local
health centre to be walkable without using public transport.

Phil (trigpoint)

On Fri, 2018-09-28 at 18:48 -0400, john whelan wrote:
> >Here proximity to to a train station is worth more money than
> proximity to a bus stop.Within 1 km of a train station is where
> developers and purchases of apartments want them and they will pay
> more for that proximity.
> Train stations are usually well represented in OSM data.Bus stops are
> not so well represented, this will depend on the local mappers so it
> is area dependant.
> Perhaps I didn't state the problem clearly enough.
> If I have two possible sites for a health centre which will be more
> easily accessible?
> Assume the bus and tram stops are mapped and the route relationship
> is in place.  Assume the same is true if it is rail.  If the proposed
> sites for the health centre are not on the railway line then the rail
> is probably irrelevant.
> One method might be to plot a path from each building to the health
> centre by walking, car and bicycle then see how many can reach it
> within x minutes.  That is a lot of routing calculation to do but it
> can be done overnight or even over a couple of days.  You would then
> have to go through each travel plan and count the ones less than 10
> minutes or 45 minutes or whatever time you decide is the cut off
> point.
> Google I think has travel times for public transport available on its
> maps under directions.  I think for some cities we have the same
> information available, the GTFS file and locations but can we do
> travel times for public transport and how would you do it?.
> At the moment I don't think there is a good solution but someone
> might have some ideas on how to do it.
> Thanks John
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