The person I spoke to who had the requirement was from Health Canada and
they entered their name in an email to themselves on my phone.  They
specifically asked for OpenStreetMap to the presenter and I didn't have
time to discuss the requirements in detail.

The email address they entered was rejected.  I have other ways to track
them down but I think they were trying to identify areas that were

However you have to remember we are talking Canada so walking is not so
important.  We have many detached houses on 35 and 50 foot lots so in parts
the density is low which means providing services within walking distance
is challenging.   With wind chill it can reach minus 40c easily so elderly
patients do not walk that often in winter.  Ice makes it more difficult.
Summer we have periods of over 30c when the elderly are advised to stay
indoors. From memory the UK is different and more walking friendly.

Locally the municipal transit service is an exceptionally good hub and
spoke system.  It arrives on time well within two minutes 99.5% of the time
for local services which anyone from say the UK will find very difficult to
believe so transit is more important to people without cars.

Cheerio John

On Sun, 30 Sep 2018, 8:38 am Philip Barnes, <> wrote:

> As a rule, if somewhere large like a hospital is built then bus
> companies will change their routes to serve it.
> More local health centres are built to serve their local area, if you
> live in a settlement of a reasonable size you will expect the local
> health centre to be walkable without using public transport.
> Phil (trigpoint)
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