Apr 17, 2019, 5:53 PM by a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk:

> Can anyone confirm what the correct tag should be, and can we use an
> automated process to correct them?
It seems likely that it should be brand:wikidata and brand:wikipedia.
Though, if we are lucky this mistake was added by an undiscussed 
automated edit and may be simply reverted.

> It's possible that the same issue applies to some of the other
> high--use tags listed at:
>  > https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/wikidata#values 
> <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/wikidata#values>
I am running monitoring of blatant misuses of Wikipedia tags.

"wikipedia='es:Café Martínez'",
"wikipedia='en:Indian Overseas Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Syndicate Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Bank of India'",
"wikipedia='en:ICICI Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Punjab National Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:State Bank of India'",
"wikipedia='fr:Algérie Poste'",
"wikipedia='es:Banco de la Nación Argentina'",
"wikipedia='en:Corporation Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Bank of Baroda'",
"wikipedia='en:Federal Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Indian Bank'",
"wikipedia='en:Andhra Bank'",

are ones that are fairly popular and almost certainly should
not be added (or added as brand:wikipedia if someone
really, really, really must link it).

Many of them have equally wrong brand:wikidata.

Personally, I consider brand:wikipedia and brand:wikidata as
completely useless (any potential use is lost as people keep adding them
by automatic edits, based on name tag without any verification).

But for some reason people complain less if wikipedia tag is turned
into brand:wikipedia rather than simply removed so usually I just turn
invalid wikipedia links to company page into brand:wikipedia tags
(and do the same with wikidata tags).

Among other popular wikipedia links

"wikipedia='nl:Toeristisch Overstappunt'",

are also clearly invalid, though here brand:wikipedia would
be wrong and complete removal is probably necessary.

Overall, there are about 30 000 blatantly incorrect wikipedia tags
(repeated wikipedia values, after excluding objects like rivers or pipelines
where repeated wikipedia tags may be a valid tagging), this number is slowly 
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