As mentioned on the blog, i already asked facebook several times to comply.
They stopped replying. I'm not expecting a reply, i'm just sharing this on
the mailing list.

About my signature, i apologise as i have written the email on a webclient
that contains that signature. ADMIN please remove the signature

On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 at 12:08, Nuno Caldeira <nunocapelocaldeira at <>> wrote:

>* To acknowledge,I have asked this to the board.
*>>* Dear board and board members,
*>>* Following my comment on this post
*>>* I hereby request OSMF board, responsabile for the OSMF, as the
Licensor under
*>* ODbL 9.4 c) to notify Facebook and remove their rights under ODbL, if the
*>* violation is not fixed after 30 days of notice. as written on ODbL.
You posted a comment - on a Sunday - less than two hours before
requesting this? Do you not think it would be prudent - not to mention
courteous - to first wait for a response there?

>* Company Name is not responsible for errors or omissions in this message
Well, quite.

Andy Mabbett

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