to be honest I dont find anything about the collaboration.
about they being a corporate member and to be caution to what we say, i
this this sums it up when they dont:
Foundation and community expectations
We expect Corporate Members to conduct themselves as good citizens of the
OpenStreetMap ecosystem, e.g. by complying with our attribution
requirements (Licence and Legal FAQ), following good editing practice and
adhering to the community's guidelines, such as the Licence/Community
Guidelines and the Organised Editing Guidelines.

 as written as

what a example of a corporate member we have!

unless Facebook has a some sort of exception within OSMF, that im not

A quarta, 24/07/2019, 21:54, Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> sent from a phone
> > On 24. Jul 2019, at 22:16, Tom Hughes <> wrote:
> >
> > I think it's a unilateral self-declared collaboration ;-)
> We should be cautious with this, they are a corporate member and on the
> advisory board, so clearly there is some documented kind of collaboration,
> or at least it looks as if (hardly anybody outside of OpenStreetMap and
> maybe also not so many inside of OpenStreetMap will be able to estimate the
> importance of this entity), and by suggesting they are contributing AI
> generated data it may look as if a lot of OpenStreetMap data came through
> processes like this rather than local people contributing their knowledge.
> Cheers Martin
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