As a long-time OSMer, I offer perspective on two "dangerous areas" near me, one 
past, one present.

On my university campus (University of California) there WAS an area in a 
meadow which was grazed by cattle (both from the original landuse from a 
century ago and presently, as these meadows are grazed by cattle even today, at 
a university of tens of thousands of students).  A decade and longer ago, there 
was a swale (low-lying area) which I believe was human-converted into a sort of 
reservoir for watering cattle, but it had steep sides, was quite deep and could 
be impossible for humans or cattle to escape if they fell into it, especially 
when empty / dry.  Not by me, but this was marked on OSM as a "no go area," 
which I always found curious, as that wasn't an explicitly defined tag.  I'm 
nearly certain that today, this dangerous area has been "remedied" (filled in 
with dirt) and no longer exists as a hazard on campus.  In OSM, there is no 
longer anything (node, way) in the area to tag as such; it has effectively 
disappeared from both the real world and our map.

Also near me is a "beach" (it sort of is, sort of isn't) which is a dangerous 
place to ocean-swim, it is known locally as the "Toilet Bowl" as it has nasty 
churning surf and undertow currents which I believe have drowned at least one 
person.  When I heard local news that such a drowning occurred yet again, I 
endeavored to tag a node there with name=Toilet Bowl (dangerous area, no 
swimming) + swimming=no + hazard=yes.  (Yes, I know that violates "name is name 
only").  Also, there isn't a "physical" tag (like natural=beach, as that is 
unusual, though not wholly wrong, on a node).  Yet I couldn't help but feel 
that hazard=yes, a "draft / underway proposal" (since 2007?! really?) is 
insufficient:  the value "yes" isn't documented in the proposal, and others 
listed there, like chasm, radiation, rock_slide, minefield, playing_children... 
didn't fit a dangerous swimming area.  Plus, the hazard tag doesn't render (a 
triangle with exclamation point might be a good starting icon).

I believe OSM needs better, explicit tagging to identify dangerous, hazardous 
areas, and Carto should render these.  There are many different kinds of these, 
from those I just noted, to "high-crime area" and what others might consider 
sensitive or political.  (We shouldn't be afraid to say that an explicit hazard 
exists if one does).  A proposal that seems to have gotten stuck for 12 years 
seems it's a good starting point, can it be resurrected?  OSM mapping these 
would be another welcome feature in our map, as I know of no other 
general-purpose map (that IS how many use OSM) which identifies these sorts of 
"everyday" hazards.  Think about it:  a hazardous situation might find YOU one 
day, and you might be very glad you saw this on a map beforehand so you could 
avoid it.

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