On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:48 PM, Julien djakk <djakk.geograp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello ! For this kind of tagging, which is as subjective as the 
> highway=secondary, there should be a consensus of local mappers. 
> This kind of areas could be tagged as “you need to know the area to be safe 
> among locals” :-)

I listen to this as potentially reasonable, but I am left with the (obvious?) 
question:  what, exactly, is the specific hazard?  Is it characterizable, 
identifiable?  Is there a formal border around it?  Does everybody agree?  All 
of those seem difficult "to be (true) simultaneously" (as I understand what is 
meant when somebody suggests "avoid that area because of, or unless..."), so I 
fall on the side of "if no identifiable hazard, then no specific tag."  In 
short, I think we agree:  too subjective.  Even WITH a consensus of local 
mappers, I don't believe it stands tall enough unless it rises to "true" for 
all three of those questions.  And likely some more I haven't typed here, too.  
(Others might).

Specific hazards, that are characterizable, identifiable, confined to a 
well-defined area and widely agreed upon?  Yes, Earth likely has some of those. 
 A node tagged hazard=* might work well.  This feels like a rough sketch only 
(still) despite getting shot down repeatedly as an unfocused or wholly wrong 

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