Le 09/02/2020 à 18:26, Maarten Deen a écrit :
On 2020-02-09 16:17, Christian Quest wrote:
A couple of weeks ago, I've (re) started sharing planet dump files
using Bittorrent to test an alternative way to distribute our planet
dumps to reduce the bandwidth load on the OSMF servers.

Here is a short summary after 2 weeks tests...

The torrents are generated a few hours after the planet dump
availability on planet.openstreetmap.org server (time needed to
download the original file to generate the torrent).

A question about updates of the torrent. The planet changes weekly. Suppose I download the plannet using the torrent and then also seed it, what happens when the next planet comes available? Do I need to use a different torrent to download it again or will the one I have be updated?
Each planet file has its own torrent. A new planet file means using a new torrent to download it.

To simplify downloading the lastest planet, you'll find a planet-latest.pbf.torrent similar to the planet-latest.pbf (it's a symlink to the last planet available).

If you want to automate downloading new planet thru torrents, for example to seed them, there's a rss.xml file you can use. Many bittorrent clients support RSS to automate downloads.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

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