On 22/05/2020 16:10, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
On 5/22/20 4:58 PM, Andy Townsend wrote:
On 22/05/2020 14:45, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
On 5/22/20 1:23 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
the "mspray" accounts were blocked in July 2019 for problematic edits
and failing to document properly

The "problematic edits" part is still current - this changeset of mine for example is mostly about deleting buildings from mspray16: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/85452208

This is a new mapper as of just over a week ago:

"New" - like all those other users who just happen to be named msprayXX and produce the same slop:https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/mapper <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/mapper>

But still, I suspect, a human being, and one that has no idea that what they're doing is causing a problem.

No-one has left any changeset discussion comments

The spaghetti factories rarely answer any - better aim for the head.

In the case of spammers and vandals you're broadly correct - someone who draws genitalia on the White House lawn is unlikely to think that they're making a valid contribution to OSM.  These mappers surely do - no matter how bad the instructions they were given or the work they carried out.

Best Regards,


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