Please clarify: are the Apple mappers 1) changing the ways to
highway=track, or 2) changing ways that are currently highway=track to
something else?

I would support #2 in any case where the way connects settlements, since we
have always defined highway=track as a way that is used for agriculture,
forestry etc., not for travel between settlements.

– Joseph Eisenberg

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 11:17 AM John Whelan <> wrote:

> I've noticed a number of highways being changed in Africa from
> unclassified to track and from unclassified to tertiary.    The ones I've
> noticed are Apple mappers usually with the comment of from Bing and often
> the highways connect settlements so should be a minimum of unclassified or
> path but not track.
> African highway wiki  says it is difficult to classify highways without
> local knowledge above unclassified.  Track is fairly easy it doesn't
> connect settlements according to the wiki.
> Do I get the impression we are talking targets here?  The paid mappers
> have to do so many edits to meet their targets and changing the
> classification using Bing is easier than adding to the map?
> Do we care?  Is it is just something to be aware of.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks
> Cheerio John
> --
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