Hi Sören,

The OSMF would, of course, be open to supporting development on editors other 
than Potlatch, and on other pieces of our infrastructure. Remember that this is 
a pilot for three projects with three long-term trusted contributors, so we can 
humbly learn how to do this the right way.

As someone who’s listed as having used 9 different editors on 
https://hdyc.neis-one.org/?Stereo <https://hdyc.neis-one.org/?Stereo> 
(including “unknown”), I know how important the variety and richness of editing 
possibilities is.


> On 1 Aug 2020, at 15:09, Sören Reinecke via talk <talk@openstreetmap.org 
> <mailto:talk@openstreetmap.org>> wrote:
> > Nonetheless, even if P2 didn't run on Linux, I'm not sure why this should 
> > be an issue for other users. No-one says Vespucci isn't sustainable because 
> > it doesn't run on iOS.
> But Vespucci is not mentioned here by OSMF and I remember that Android is 
> following the principle of free, democracy, open source, competition (because 
> it's distribution like approach though Google as a say in it which apps are 
> installed by default and what can be done with the phone in terms of rooting 
> it. The distribution approach as an argument for priorizing support for 
> Android is therefore questionable) more than iOS does. And iOS restricts you 
> more than Android does.
> Regards
> Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Funding of three infrastructure projects : Nominatim, 
> osm2pgsql, Potlatch 2
> From: Richard Fairhurst 
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org <mailto:talk@openstreetmap.org>
> CC: 
> Sören Reinecke wrote:
> > So far as I understood Adobe dropped Linux support for its 
> > AIR plattform. If that is right, then I am in doubt that 
> > supporting the development of Potlatch 2 is not that in 
> > a sustainable manner.
> AIR is not maintained by Adobe, but by Harman, a Samsung subsidiary. AIR for 
> Linux is still supported at version 2.6 but not updated 
> (https://airsdk.harman.com/faq <https://airsdk.harman.com/faq>): Harman is 
> considering future updates. P2 will still run on 2.6 - there are explicit 
> workarounds in the code (e.g. in 
> net/systemeD/potlatch2/collections/Imagery.as) to ensure backward 
> compatibility.
> Nonetheless, even if P2 didn't run on Linux, I'm not sure why this should be 
> an issue for other users. No-one says Vespucci isn't sustainable because it 
> doesn't run on iOS.
> mmd wrote:
> > Why aren't we porting Potlatch2 to WebAssembly, then? 
> I'm not sure who the "we" is in this question, but assuming you're not 
> volunteering yourself :), the difficult dependency with P2 is not 
> ActionScript 3 but the Flash runtime, i.e. the Flash and Flex APIs. There are 
> currently only two runtimes capable of running P2: Flash Player and AIR. 
> Ruffle is showing promise (https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle 
> <https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle>) and is under very active development, 
> but does not yet support AS3 or the Flash Player features that P2 needs. I 
> would anticipate that P2 will be able to run as WebAssembly when Ruffle 
> reaches feature parity with AIR 2.6.
> Richard
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