mmd <> skrev: (2 augusti 2020 11:31:21 CEST)
>On 2020-08-01 12:42, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>> Ruffle is showing promise ( and
>> under very active development, but does not yet support AS3 or the
>> Player features that P2 needs. I would anticipate that P2 will be
>> to run as WebAssembly when Ruffle reaches feature parity with AIR
>Yes, exactly, that's one of the two approaches I had in mind: rewriting
>from scratch preferably also in Rust (which obviously wouldn't fit in
>the proposed budget or timeframe), or use Ruffle with the existing

I suggest we wait for ruffle to be ready and then compile P2 to first wasm and 
then decompile it into C and then translate it into rust.
It can then be cleaned up and shipped to both as a desktop application and a 
wasm binary run in the browser.

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