On 21/11/2020 10:42, Andre Hinrichs via talk wrote:

Difficult to find, but here are the changesets where i left comments:


And the links to them:



A couple of points immediately spring to mind.  Apologies to anyone on this list who's seen me make these sort of points before, but sometimes I think it bears repeating.  I'll use your messages here as an example but to be honest what I'm about to say applies to lots of inter-mapper communication within OSM.

One is that you've left changeset comments in English, and here this editor is editing in Finland with a "fi" locale, as you can see at the changeset: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/94134166 .  The Åland Islands (where this is) are actually Swedish speaking I believe, but the mapper has edited in other places in Finland too,  Not everyone in Finland understands English - my impression (from when I used to work there) was that many do, but plenty don't, and it often depends on the job that someone does or how old they are whether they are likely to or not.

Another is that your three messages are fairly abrupt and  by the second and third have got capitalised words in them.  Finnish as a language never uses 3 words where 1 will do, so this contributor will be used to terse communication, but you still need to communicate effectively.

Taking https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/93965382 as an example, you've said that there is a problem with coastlines (but not said exactly which OSM feature they edited it was), told them not to edit coastlines again but then asked them to fix the problem.  At the very least the advice is self-contradictory.

The other two, https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/94097597 and https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/94134166 , are probably best described as "shouting at someone in a foreign language"**, and are unlikely to have the desired effect.  Also, well-meaning changes aren't "vandalism" - they may cause significant problems that need fixing, but they're not vandalism.

What I'd suggest instead is:

 * Write a longer initial changeset comment, as if you were
   communicating with another human being for the first time (which of
   course you are).
 * Look at the context to see things like where this mapper is mapping
   geographically, what language they are likely to understand, and how
   long have they been mapping in OSM.
 * Link to things that explain the problem - here perhaps
   , one of the QA sites that show these sorts of problems and the
   specific ways or relations in their changeset that caused the problem.
 * Try and be consistent - if you say "you've broken X please don't
   edit it again" then logically you must offer to fix X yourself;
   alternatively you need to explain how they can fix X themselves,
   since they clearly don't know how to, having caused the problem in
   the first place.
 * Also post your comment in a language that they are likely to
   understand.  An online translator such as translate.google.com won't
   be perfect*, but at least it'll convert your message into words in a
   language with which they are familiar.
 * As has already been suggested, by all means do ask the DWG to deal
   with it if you've tried to get in contact and communication isn't

Best Regards,


* actually (having just tested it) translate.google.com does a surprising good job of detecting cases in English and choosing the correct word ending, which is how those are expressed in Finnish

** yes - I know - I'm English, and it is something that we are somewhat renowned for.

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