
a few months ago, the community unfortunately voted [|] to "remove alphanumeric code visible in infoboxes at OSM Wiki linking to Wikidata" because for some tags, the item described by the tag was not the same
as the one described by the wikidata item (in my opinion it is better
to only delete the erroneous links instead of hiding everything)

today I see that a bot is deleting the wikidata, which is not
the same thing as "hide from the infobox"

therefore if I want to make an application that displays natural=tree genus species in the user's language, I don't have access to the translation base that is de facto wikidata (and I would have to do like many tools: ask people to waste their time to encode the same translation again)

so it's the previous vote to hide a valid arg to remove it ?
do we really want the community to waste its time remaking
a wikidata-osm out of ego not to use wikidata.org when
it describes the same concept?
is it useful ? what do we gain by breaking the link between
natural=tree and |wikidata=Q10884 ?
compare osm's translation list with wikidata
of course for some, it's even worse, for ex genus=* 30 <> 125

it's already a sad waste to have to translate every tag
for the wiki + iD + josm+ .... + ... + ... without this

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/remove_link_to_Wikidata_from_infoboxes


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