Nov 16, 2023, 20:51 by

> In practice MR tasks are human-executed bit edits with no actual
> review happening (they could be useful where correct solution
> needs to be selected from some available, but here it would just wait
> until someone would manually but still robotically remove
> all name tags)
To clarify:

- not all people active on MR skip verification or make bad edits,
some are making fine edits

- but there is enough of people doing edits without verification
in case of tasks having single possible edit action (or not doing edit),
to make MR useless for cases where verification is needed
(especially with "press to edit" mode being activated)
As there is high risk of such person appearing and making edits blindly

- MR may be useful for cases where elements needs to be edited
in multiple ways and decision needs to be taken before edit,
though there were also many cases of bad editing here
But it in general filters out people clicking "make edit"
on repeat without any verification

- MR is utterly pointless for cases where local knowledge
would be needed and aerial imagery + already present tags
are not sufficient for verification

- MR has many edits that are actually undiscussed bot edits,
just done manually by humans (still without actual review, some tasks
are not even having fig-leaf request of human needing to review anything),
done in violation of
- some MR tasks are undiscussed imports, breaking

- reporting challenges exists, but reports are not acted on by people 
maintaining MR ( even ones where people running bad challenges 
voluntarily closed them - still remain open at )


Suggesting MR as way to verify objects before edit is pointless.
If actual verification is needed before edits that would be done
always or almost always in the same way, then MR is pointless
for that and should not be suggested as a solution.

If multiple types of edits can be done, depending on a case or
someone has bot edit approval (but is unable to mass edit
via script or JOSM or other tool) then it is a viable MR task.
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