Baru sadar kalo anda nggak pake openssh, dan anda juga bilang SSH2. Openssh default 
bakal generate DSA key bukan RSA. Bisa dicheck versi package "rpm -qa | grep ssh"?

Coba connect dari client pake "ssh -1 server".
(angka satu "-1" bukan ell)

Client akan pake ssh protocol version 1, ini beranggapan kalo anda pake openssh di 

Juga versi 1.x bermasalah dengan tcpwrappers. Kalo sshd anda di run dari inetd, coba 
run dari command line (standalone), jadi bypass tcpwrapper.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 01:18:20PM +0700, n0e wrote:
> On 11-Feb-04 at 11:19 AM, n0e wrote:
> > BTW, saya coba ngakalin dengan menambahkan mapping di /etc/hotsts, tapi kok
> > di log malah keluar message spt ini:
> > Feb 11 10:43:01 athena sshd[31766]: log: Address maps to www,
> > but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAKIN ATTEMPT!
> Untuk masalah reverse map address sepertinya sudah solved setelah saya akalin
> mapping addressnya di /etc/hosts:
>           localhost.localdomain localhost
>           remote
>           remote2
> Sekarang error log "Could not reverse map address" udah gak
> keluar lagi. Tapi SSH nya masih tetep problem.
> Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[31926]: connection from ""
> Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: Generating 768 bit RSA key.
> Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: RSA key generation complete.
> Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: Connection from port 1070
> Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: Password authentication for it-support 
> accepted.
> Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: ROOT LOGIN as 'it-support' from remote
> Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait returned 
> pid 32324
> but child is 32325
> Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: Closing connection to
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[31926]: connection from ""
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Generating 768 bit RSA key.
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: RSA key generation complete.
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Connection from port 1295
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Password authentication for it-support 
> accepted.
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: ROOT LOGIN as 'it-support' from remote
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait returned 
> pid 32332
> but child is 32333
> Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Closing connection to
> ...
> Ada yg tau gak error message "sshd[32321]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait 
> returned
> pid 32324 but child is 32325" pada SSH penyebabnya apa ?
> regards,
>  ~n0e~
> --
>  ... just give me internet
> -- 
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