On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 16:42:15 +0100, John Orford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the reply!

You're welcome.

> On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 22:11:32 +0100, John Orford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> Hehe :)  actually I am looking forward to Indonesia a lot.  I've never been to
> Asia but have read lots about Asia and Indonesia in the last few years - so
> expectations are high!  I just hope that I can get used to the heat and
> humidity - Ireland is the total opposite to indonesia weather-wise.

hope you will get used to the heat here, especially in Jakarta. /me
never stop sweating from time to time. :-)

> Yeah.  (Your English is much better than my Indonesian ;))  Basically they run
> Win98 - and from what I hear they are full of viruses / spyware etc.

well, I think people should say "thanks" to Micro**** for what they
have given to us, such as viruses, spyware, etc. coz if no one using
Win****, maybe linux will be full of such thing like that.

> E.G. if i find a winmodem - and don't have the right driver, i'll need to
> download it...

ooh, so that's what you mean by "extra packages". I could gave you my
collection of winmodem driver, video card driver, etc, then. (of
course if you're already in Jakarta) I could burn it in a CD and send
it to you.
> In my opinion Ubuntu might run too slowly on pentium 2 type machines (64 or
> 128 mb ram) - i have a 533mhz celeron, and it is quite slow.  i'm not sure if
> even XFCE would be quick enough.  I think stable debian may do the job, with

wow, really? ubuntu is too slow in that kind of HW specs? have you
ever tried ubuntu yet? Pentium 2 with 533 MHz Celeron and 64 or 128 MB
RAM is pretty "fast" i think. coz i have installed ubuntu on my friend
computer and in my opinion it's not so bad, it runs OK. FYI, my friend
computer specs are: pentium 2 (celeron) 450 MHz, 64MB RAM!

> KDE2, KDE 3 or XFCE.  For mail I'm thinking of sylpheed, browser would be
> konqueror, i think firefox would be too slow...  Office programs would be
> Windows 97 running under Crossover... - openoffice is probably too slow.

> That'd be cool if we could meet up!  Do you guys meet up often?  Normally in
> Ireland Linux club members meet every month or two...
Well, we may be meet up sometimes, but it's not too often I think.
(though I never join the meet up, coz I'm new in this LUG)

> Well you have a wiki, forum, mailing list, blog pages... etc. - it all seems
> very promising.
> >
> > p/s: buat yang laen; koq ga ada yang mo bales sih? tunjukkan dong
> > keramah-tamahan orang Indonesia!!!
> :) as far as i remember i got two personal off list replies from members - i'm
> happy with the feedback i got.

oh really? So I Think I should appologize to the other members then. 
Maaf ya mas-mas dan mbak-mbak yang udah bales kalo saya su'udzon
duluan, mohon di maafkan...

Best Regards,

waduh, saya sih ga punya signature. Tapi kalo ini bisa di anggap
signature, ya,,, berarti ini.....SIGNATURE dong????

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