On 26/10/2015 13:46, Michael Welzl wrote:

On 26. okt. 2015, at 14.17, Aaron Falk <aaron.f...@gmail.com
<mailto:aaron.f...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Gorry Fairhurst <go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk
<mailto:go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk>> wrote:

    On 22/10/2015 15:14, Aaron Falk wrote:

            > draft-welzl-taps-transports currently only covers TCP
        and SCTP. But then: how many other protocols?
            > It seems people agree that the protocols covered in
        draft-welzl-taps-transports should be a subset of the
        protocols covered in draft-ietf-taps-transports. My question
        is, then: how to choose the subset?
            > It seems obvious to include protocols that are seeing
        some deployment, i.e. of course UDP, maybe UDP-Lite (?), but
        also MPTCP…
            > However: if that is the only decision ground, we
        probably wouldn’t include DCCP. Are we then making a
        significant mistake, missing a lesson to be learned?
            > That, to me, is a discussion I’d like to have in Yokohama.

            +1, and FWIW that's exactly the same starting point I got
        to on my own.

        Any volunteers to kick off the lead the discussion?

    <snip test on another draft>

    So, I think UDP, and UDP-Lite *NEED* to be included. MPTCOP also.

Assuming this is a typo and you mean MPTCP, I agree.

Then we agree on this.

    On DCCP, this has many services being re-invented above. I think
    we have an interesting dilemma about whether to describe this, I
    suggest one of the reason for the minimal use of DCCP (DCCP/UDP)
    could well be the lack of a framework that allows this to be done
    without recoding an app. So, if we had such a framework *WHEN*
    DCCP/UDP was done, we may now have seen more usage.

I understand and agree, but that doesn’t help us now…

I don't understand.  Why leave out any of the protocols included in
draft-ietf-taps-transports?  Is there an argument other than for

Working towards a realistic end-goal of a deployable system.

So we’re i) describing services; ii) narrowing them down somehow; iii)
describing how to build this thing.
My concern is with iii) being something feasible and useful, not an
obscure sci-fi document.

Say we include DCCP. It’ll add some services that aren’t in the other
protocols listed so far in this mail - e.g. drop notification (see
section 3.6.3 in draft-ietf-taps-transports). Say, in step ii), we find
no good arguments to remove drop notification. Then, in step iii), we’ll
have to say how a TAPS system can support drop notification. So, to
build a working TAPS system, one has to either:
- include DCCP in the code base
- extend other protocols to provide this functionality

None of these two options are very helpful if we want to TAPS to be real
thing one day.

I understand that we can see these as optional, and end up with a
document iii) that has a small mandatory base and lots of optional
things - but this will then be a huge document, of which only a small
subset will ever be implemented. Personally I think that’s a possibility
but not really what we should aim at.


Yes, that discussion is probably consistent with my thinking - If we want to focus on what can be made right now, we can't include DCCP - not because it can't be done - a lot of code has been written, and we understand the spec - but because it's one step further-on than we currently can achieve easily in the first pass. (If that's the motivation for excluding it, I would understand at this stage.)

I think one could say the same for other protocols that could/have been layered over UDP. Does that also therefore mean we don't currently include such other protocols?


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