I agree with Mirja. We have done a lot of “background” work up to now and I 
don’t mind long documents as long as they are useful references which I think 
the current document is. I am ok with keeping the work on 
draft-welzl-taps-transports. But I would also want to move to the next steps - 
not that I want a science experiment but my interest from the beginning was to 
define how applications can use transports more efficiently both for existing 
transports and potential future ones - APIs, discovery etc. I don’t think we 
need detailed lists of features as all these transports are documented 
elsewhere but better means to advertise them and use them.

> On Oct 27, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Mirja Kühlewind 
> <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I didn’t say anything so far because I don’t mind to have a second protocol 
> here, but I personally don’t see this doc as really needed. Effectively we 
> will have two docs that have the same results (a list of features) at the 
> end. I personally find the approach taken in the new doc even more arbitrary 
> and reading this discussion of what should be in and out just underlines this 
> point.
> From my point of view the taps-transports is ready now. Btw. we did not leave 
> out (hopefully) any features of RTP, we just decided to keep the description 
> very short and only focus in the description on those parts that are actually 
> transport related. 
> I agree that the taps-transport doc is quite long, but for the wg I don’t the 
> the purpose of this doc in having it but in getting it. I mean the process we 
> had so far to get this doc in the right shape was very helpful and I believe 
> we are ready to move on. The only think that is interesting now for the wg is 
> the final list of feature, which is there and ready to use. 
> As a side note, I also believe that other people might be interesting in 
> reading the doc for other reasons than participating in taps because it’s 
> actually a quite nice overview doc now.
> That’s just my 2c. I don’t want to hold the wg from any further steps 
> regarding draft-well-taps-transports; I just had the feeling I should also 
> express a different opinion here.
> Mirja
>> Am 27.10.2015 um 14:47 schrieb Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no>:
>>> On 26. okt. 2015, at 17.35, Aaron Falk <aaron.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>>> Working towards a realistic end-goal of a deployable system.
>>> So we’re i) describing services; ii) narrowing them down somehow; iii) 
>>> describing how to build this thing.
>>> My concern is with iii) being something feasible and useful, not an obscure 
>>> sci-fi document.
>>> Uh, yeah.  That's our charter.  Narrowing down is in doc 2.  Are you making 
>>> the case we should do it in doc 1?  
>> Well, just because we narrow down in doc 2 doesn’t mean that doc 1 has to 
>> contain everything under the sun as a starting point. Consider the 
>> discussion around RTP in draft-ietf-taps-transports - I think the consensus 
>> was to have only very short text on RTP in there, not a list of all the 
>> protocol features. The starting point for draft-welzl-taps-transports should 
>> probably be limited in a similar way, but I’d suggest limiting it more than 
>> draft-ietf-taps-transports - partially because draft-ietf-taps-transports 
>> can already show that certain protocols are not adding new transport 
>> features to the mix that don’t yet exist.
>> Of course, the main reason behind my argument is to keep 
>> draft-welzl-taps-transports within a reasonable length. Look at its length 
>> now, with only two protocols!  I think the length is inevitable, but if we 
>> have good reasons not to cover certain protocols, I think we should keep 
>> them out. At least it’s a valuable discussion to have!
>>> Say we include DCCP. It’ll add some services that aren’t in the other 
>>> protocols listed so far in this mail - e.g. drop notification (see section 
>>> 3.6.3 in draft-ietf-taps-transports). Say, in step ii), we find no good 
>>> arguments to remove drop notification. Then, in step iii), we’ll have to 
>>> say how a TAPS system can support drop notification. So, to build a working 
>>> TAPS system, one has to either:
>>> - include DCCP in the code base
>>> - extend other protocols to provide this functionality
>>> None of these two options are very helpful if we want to TAPS to be real 
>>> thing one day.
>>> a: TAPS is not chartered to do anything normative.  Doc 3 is about 
>>> experimenting.
>> Sure! But it’s still about stuff that someone should be able to build - I 
>> just don’t want doc 3 to become a sci-fi literature piece  :-)
>>> b: You are having the discussion that we planned to have for Doc 2.  Make 
>>> your case to drop those protocols then.  Or, if no one wants to write 
>>> sections for the additional protocols for Doc 1a (an extended version of 
>>> draft-welzl-taps-transports), then folks are voting with their feet on the 
>>> utility of keeping them.
>> See my arguments above; about getting sections done for 
>> draft-welzl-taps-transports, I don’t worry too much: this is only the very 
>> first version, we haven’t asked anyone for inputs yet (and I can volunteer 
>> to cover a few more protocols myself).
>>> c: One of the goals of TAPS is to enable deployment of transport protocols 
>>> such as DCCP where networks permit it without forcing application (or 
>>> library) authors to handle probe and fallback.  If we don't include 
>>> protocols that aren't seeing deployment, what is the value of this activity?
>> This is a very good point. I’m not sure - do we really need to cover 
>> absolutely all protocols that are in draft-ietf-transports in 
>> draft-welzl-taps-transports, then? I am concerned about the implementability 
>> of the final beast…
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
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