Hello Raymund!

On Monday, August 16, 2010 at 2:33:35 PM you wrote:

> I guess that you added a second keyboard layout lately.

Not so much lately, it has always been in place. Not unlike my
TB system-wide shortcuts [remember, they worked without hitch for
years till last week].

I had two reasons to assign 4-key shortcuts:

  a) to avoid this specific Windows conflict
  b) to avoid conflicts with other programs in general

Hence, I am so unnerved by my set-up not working anymore though I
didn't change anything.

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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"So, this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause." [George
Lucas through Senator Amidala]

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