> Hello,
> I have many troubles with setting IDLE mode to work properly with gmail.
> I have several folders under my main "Inbox" folder and set filters to
> sort all incoming and ongoing mail. I've noticed that IDLE command only
> works when "Inbox" folder is selected in The Bat! - then I'm getting
> instant notifications about new mail and filters are working as
> expected. But when any other folder is selected then IDLE is not working
> and I have no notifications at all. It        should be possible to use IDLE
> mode regardless of selected folder as in current form it's unusable.

That's the way IDLE works. It can only work on one folder per connection at a 
time. And ONLY on IMAP SELECTed folder. It doesn't mean that The Bat! should 
issue IMAP SELECT command if user changed his current folder on the client of 
course! However I personaly vote for the current behaviour. That's because I'm 
using server-side filters and new mail can arrive in multiple folders for me, 
and I usually be idling on the most important for the moment folder.


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