After I stated:

>> But I am also a Linux user and strongly suggest that RIT Labs make an effort 
>> to port The Bat! to this superior Operating System,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Jernej Simončič replied from Poland:

> As an advanced user of both Windows and Linux, I can only disagree with Linux 
> being superior - while it has it place, and it does some things better than 
> Windows, it's still far from being a good end-user experience on a desktop, 
> both from UI and management points of view.

>>  so I can use it with with my OpenOffice, Opera,  Chrome, Firefox, 
>> Seamonkey, Dr. Web and Nero versions for Linux (and other Unix-like 
>> Operating Systems).

>, Opera, Chrome, Firefox and the Mozilla Suite were designed 
> from ground up to be portable. I don't know what Dr. Web is

DrWeb is a Moscow based company that produces Security Software (i.e. 
Antivirus, Anti Spyware and Firewall)

> and the last time I looked at Nero, it was using an outdated GUI library on 
> Linux.

It ran fine on LinuxMint 9 but looks for something it lacks on OpenSuse 11.4 (I 
just recently switched).

>> As I understand it, porting Delphi to Linux is also possible and Windows 
>> will continue to lose ground as more computer users become aware of the 
>> advantages that Open Code Community Based OS's have to offer.

> While there used to be Kylix, it was never really stable, and while backend 
> code could be used with not too many changes, the GUI would have to be redone 
> completely, which is a daunting task for a program like The Bat (since it 
> uses a lot of custom controls, some of which are 3rd party; previously 
> mentioned Opera had it's GUI code rewritten from scratch when it started with 
> serious cross-platform support in version 7 - this is just not feasible for a 
> small company like RitLabs).

Unless they decided that it was worth their while - that a market large enough 
to justify the added effort was likely to develop among Linux users.

I didn't get a reply from Stef regarding this issue via direct mail some time 
ago, maybe he or Max would care to comment about it here on tbbeta (which I'm 
glad to see is posting my messages now that I've change ISP's).

IAC, thanks for your comments, Jernej.

Best regards,

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