Hi Vilius et al,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 12:00:16 PM, you wrote:

>> > You can do this by using standard plain text connection method.
>> That is hard to do if the server, for example, only supports SSL
>> connections (as is common practice today) and uses self-signed
>> certs for that - and as such just as good as advising someone, who
>> complains that a car lets him put in diesel where unleaded is
>> needed, to try to run his car on wood.

> I'm not sure why you think this is "a common practice". Sure it was
> the case like 5 years ago, but now every major webmail provider,
> bigger companies and even universities use good certificates. I use
> 6 accounts for work and 2 personal accounts and all of them are
> properly secured with proper certificates. And given what messages
> IE, FF and Chrome throughs at users these days, I don't imagine who
> is using self-signed ones.   

This is more of a philosophical discussion about PKE (Public Key
Encryption). This might be a bit OT, if so we can carry on PM.

There are 2 main uses for PKE.

1.- Certify endpoints. For this there must be an unbroken certificate
chain from a trusted CA down through 0 or more intermediate
certificates to the end certificate that is being used. For this
purpose Vilius is right, self-signed certificates are no use.

2.- Secure communications channel. The communication is opaque to all
but the 2 endpoints that are communicating. When you perform
IMAP/POP3/SMTP authentication you are sending your login details, you
definitely don't what people to read that, and you might not want them
to read the mail contents either. For this purpose self-signed
certificates are perfectly OK.

As a small aside, even for purpose 1 the current implementation is
flawed. It all goes down to having a few trusted 100% secure Root CA.
This is not actually the case. Some CA have been compromised in the
past, which is one problem, another is that some countries have their
own internationally recognised government controlled CA, which then
allows the government to mount man-in-the-middle attack on SSL traffic
going through their country.

I want The Bat! to store the self-signed certificate so that I can
simplify purpose 2 above.


   __ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
  / /(_)_ __ _ ___ __  __  Project Manager 
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  Milliways 
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <   mailto: smar...@milliways.cl 
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Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes 

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