
Is version 4.22 working properly as it should?
Is   it possible to import v4 database/filters and all the stuff to v5
after it's fixed?

Is  it  possible  to  export  v5  (current one I spent lots of time on
setting filters and sorting e-mails) to TB! v4.22?

And  question to developers:
Can  I  use the key I have purchased for v5 with v4 and use it with v4
till  the  moment  when v5 starts working properly so I do not have to
fight with it every day..?

Even   official   5.0.12   release   gives   me  exceptions and access
violations  daily ; autobackup stopped working ; only part of messages
in  VF  are  shown  ; number of messages is not correct (=0 instead of
91/85/126/11)  ; annoying popup to enter a password to an account that
is set to be not checked ; and so on.

Just  found  out  that  can't  mark  messages shown in VF (showing new
messages)  as  read  because  the  number of new messages is 0. Had to
close  TB!  so  Not Read count was proper and after that I was able to
use CTRL+M.

Correct  count was shown for about 25 seconds ; after that all VF were
equal to 0.

Best Regards,

The Bat! 5.0.12
Windows 7 x64 Professional (7601 Service Pack 1)

Sunday, June 5, 2011 (20:51 ; GMT+8)

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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