Hi All,

>> Is  it  possible  to  export  v5  (current one I spent lots of time on
>> setting filters and sorting e-mails) to TB! v4.22?

If  anyone is thinking about moving back to 4.22 database (TBK) import
can be done directly from backup file. Just export all of the stuff to
TBK, uninstall v5, install v4 and import TBK file.

The  only  strange  think  was that all VF were empty up to the moment
when  each  of  them  was  selected  and  ESC  was pressed. After that
messages appeared.

So  far  all  is  good,  no  exceptions,  access violations, count and
filtering is proper.

Best Regards,

The Bat!
Windows 7 x64 Professional (7601 Service Pack 1)

Monday, June 6, 2011 (16:18 ; GMT+8)

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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