Hello Marck,

M>> Any  idea  why  I  have not received Maxim's message? I have looked in
M>> Gmail's spam folder and it is not there.
> Could  it  be  that  you  are  one  of  the recipients affected by the
> addressing  issues that we tried to combat with the change to the list
> configuration?

I don't know :-(

> Max's  messages include a DKIM signature, which effectively marks list
> traffic  as  spam,  since the sending domain fails to match the domain
> certified in the DKIM signature.

But  if traffic is marked as spam, why his messages don't end up in my
Gmail account Spam folder?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (Els Poblets (Alicante - Spain)
Using The Bat! Version 8.5.8 (64-bit) on Windows 10.0 

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