Hello Günther,

On Sunday, December 16, 2001, at 03:20:32 AM -0700, Günther Eisele wrote
the following in regards to "beta/16":

> What could be a reason for doing so? No virus scanner can make sure
> that a mail is virus free,

Ok, why not? You mean to say that if I scan a file/message with NAV or
NOD32 and they report no viruses present... that they are lying? ;o)

> so this may irritate some people which then think that they're safe.

That may well be. Don't currently use the Program myself but I know it
does in fact certify incoming/outgoing messages. Rather a nice little
feature, but as you mentioned it might irritate others. OTOH, there may
be those that prefer to see the certification. ;o)

> BTW the main reason for the plug-in solution is (as it was announced
> previously) that you can _remove_ viruses on incoming messages.

Yes, but that is already an inherent feature of the majority of top
level AV Scanners. However, I haven't really read up on this new
incarnation so I shouldn't really say anything about it. I was hoping
for customizable Toolbars instead. ;o)


   -=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-     
SecureBat! v1.54/b15/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE | PGP 7.1         

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