Hello Günther,

On Sunday, December 16, 2001, at 11:42:30 AM -0700, Günther Eisele wrote
the following in regards to "beta/16":

> Because a virus may spread a day before you get the corresponding
> virus updates or because it is a virus which changes it's code
> dynamically. But mainly the first problem, which makes a line like
> "this mail is virus free" superfluous.

Point taken. As mentioned earlier, I don't use AVG but am aware of it's
'certifying' message attached to all messages.

>> That may well be. Don't currently use the Program myself but I know it
>> does in fact certify incoming/outgoing messages.

> Then it's a stupid software which is used by people who don't know how a
> virus scanner (and/or viruses) work. It kind of reminds me of people using
> a personal firewall and saying "my PC is safe and free of trojans".

Calling Users who have AV Scanners and Firewalls 'stupid' because of
what you think they believe is a tad patronising, so I won't pursue this
any longer with you.

>> Yes, but that is already an inherent feature of the majority of top
>> level AV Scanners.

> I don't know a scanner which in fact removes viruses from downloaded
> mails (on the client side). Can you name one?

Well certainly. NOD32 for one, mind you it requires you to tap the
"Clean" button. ;o) I'm using SecureBat v1.54/b15 and there is no
mention of this AV Plugin, so can you tell me how the Plugin will do
what you claim no AV Program can do?


   -=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-     
SecureBat! v1.54/b15/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE | PGP 7.1         

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