Hi Sergey,
On Friday, January 25, 2002 at 19:45:18 [GMT +0000], you wrote:

SU> This is *exactly* what I mean. Many AV checkers have command-line
SU> interface (CMI), why not use it? CMI is described in AV manuals and
SU> can be easy imlemented by most of users themselves.

I agree with you on that one. RIT could provide a standard plugin for
use with scanners without separate plugin via a command line. (Stefan?)

But I'm not sure if I would drop the transparent scanning of NAV 2002 of
incoming and outgoing messages for this one. :-)


The Bat! 1.54 Beta/31 on Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 
|        Lars Geiger  |  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        |

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