On 25 January 2002 at 09:11 Den wrote:

> Hello.

> GMM> I have tested many AVP releases with the bat. For me it only worked with
> GMM> AVP Platinum (although it may works with Gold or Std)

> What file is necessary for connection AVP to The BAT! ?

We may find out eventually ;)

>From what I understand the author(s) of each virus checker will have
to write an plugin to TB! via an interface which is not currently
freely available.

Awkward question: even when it does become available, do the authors
and users of TB! collectively have enough clout to get the plugins
written? (I shall be on the email to F-Prot, but one swallow does not
make a summer :)

I can see the point of the plugin (the virus is caught even before the
window containing the attachment icon is drawn, thus not giving the
user a chance to click on it and ignore all the warnings) but am
worried about the mechanics of implementing it to any extent.


Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Using Windows XP and The Bat! 1.54 Beta/31

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