Hi Dierk,

Thursday, October 24, 2002, 5:14:08 PM, you wrote:

>>> I guess I keep believing in Marck.  :P

>> You and I both, I guess....

DH> Just one more and Marck could become the leader of registered
DH> religion.

ROTFLOL :))  Domini, domini, domini, Pearlstone espiritu sanctu, or
something like that (never was any good at Latin, really, and Greek
might impress our Russian friends even more). But if he comes up with
a version 2 for us . . . hey, I'm an apostle, proselytizer,
evangelical, whatever.  Starting to work on The Book of Pearlstone
right now, just in case.  :)

DH> Although the few small improvements over the last few months have been
DH> published with the "Beta" moniker they are not so much real betas,
DH> they are fixes. I guess RITLabs tries out features for v2 this way -
DH> and caters to the user base, giving us small life signs.

Concur.  With an emphasis on "small".  :))  Wish they'd try out a
really BIG feature for v2.



Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3

 Current beta is 1.62b5 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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