
God wrote:

> "Oh no, not again!"
>     D.Adams HHGTG.

Dierk Haasis wrote in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

> So, there's already one for you? Wouldn't it be nice to have a
> religion with a "higher Being we chose to worship"* called Marck? Or
> Phil, or Sandy?

I already proclaimed the Church of Marck on TBOT
(msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]). Hopefully nobody's
religious beliefs are offended by this.

> BTW, how come I didn't know we have the same literary taste, next I
> will find out that you like to read Tom Sharpe.

The affinity to Douglas Adams is widely spread among long-term
Internetters and technophiles. I know programmers that use 42 in their
programs as some kind of cheat code to trigger special functions.

> *anybody here knowing where I borrowed that one?

Nope, strangely enough, Google didn't come up with a match. :)


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