On Sunday, July 4, 2004, 10:21 AM, you wrote:

RB> Hi Thomas,

RB> It has something to do with rogues.msl and pdsf2.msl! 9Val told
RB> me, because I didn't like two times pictures in a message, that I
RB> can write * Tupe = "rogues" in rogues.msl before all smileys and
RB> then I have all pictures in the header. But this only worked for me,
RB> when I deleted pdsf2.msl. In this case I however didn't any more the
RB> flags which many have above. If you update the rogues.zip you have
RB> always again pdsf2.msl!

ok, I'm not exactly sure now, where do you put this line:
Type = "rogues
before every entry in rogue.msl ?
before the smiley=
I'm lost!

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