On Saturday, October 16, 2004, at 4:56:44 AM, Doug wrote:

> Munango-Keewati> If accidentally clicking on a column
> Munango-Keewati> header nukes the view mode you
> Munango-Keewati> spent an hour creating, it's hard to
> Munango-Keewati> call that a feature.

> Agreed.

Doug, would you mind shortening your "User information for Replying" to say
initials, or at least first name only? At present, your setting uses up too
much valuable screen space.

Thanks for your consideration.

         -=Nick Andriash=-
      -=Creston, B.C. Canada=-
The Bat! Pro v3.0.2.1 on Win XP Pro

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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