Hello Stuart, Stuart here:
Monday, October 18, 2004, 3:02:38 AM, you wrote:

SC>>  What if when you click on a header it changes the view mode but by
SC>>  default when you leave the currently viewed folder the change is
SC>>  lost.
SH> What then, would be the point of changing the viewmode?

 I often read my email on a computer upstairs, but make sure it gets
 stored on a computer downstairs. When I do this I need to quickly
 sort and filter my inbox content. By clicking on the From Header I
 can sort it by from and select all the mail from the same person to
 delete or move to another directory. I then have to remember to
 change it back by clicking,usually twice, on the Created Header to
 return it to my regular view.

 Or what about errant clicks where instead of clicking on the message
 you mean to click on you hit the header and accidentally change the

 Or what if you want to temporarily sort by priority, or subject, or
 size, for whatever reason to see a pattern. It would be nice to not
 have to worry about returning to the old viewmode before leaving the

 Many different reasons for many different people. ;)

 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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