On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 11:53:24 +0000, Stuart Hemming wrote:

> AY> I notice that it contains a
> AY> whopping 29 lines below the sig delimiter and only 10 lines (or about
> AY> 1/3 of the message content) above the sig delimiter.
> Be thankful that Allie's server is doing as good a job as it is; it
> filters out most of a /very/ pointless disclaimer that my firm insists
> must appear on each email sent out.

Whoa Nelly! I didn't realize that I was only seeing the tip of the
iceberg. I guess that gives me another thing to be thankful to Allie
for. :-)

> As for the amount of other stuff, well, what can I say; the TB/plugin
> info is there to identify my setup for the purposes of trying to ID
> any potential problems I might be having with my set up.

I see. So the real culprit here is TB. Well, I should have guessed. :-D

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

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