Hi Goncalo,

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005, at 14:15:19 [GMT +0000] (which was 7:15 AM where
I live) you wrote:
GF> It's part of the new era. RITLabs surely won't straighten up the
GF> usage of email, they must go along with the major players and the
GF> major players do have GOOD HTML support.

So if your friend jumps off a bridge, you're going to do it too?

Remember Opera? They refused to improperly render HTML pages due to
sloppy markup. They caught flack over it for sure, but they stuck to
their guns. They're still very popular.

The reason other "players" have good HTML support is that these other
player also write browsers. They implement their browser into their
e-mail product. Do I have anything against TB writing their own
browser... Nope. Would I rather they spend the time making TB a better
and more solid product for *e-mail*. Definitely.

GF> If I had the same attitude that a few other showed up I would say
GF> something like "I don't use IMAP, I don't care if it has bugs or
GF> not I rather have HTML rendered correctly" but I find both things
GF> important.

IMAP is part of e-mail. HTML isn't. Poor argument.

Leif  -:-  TB Lists Moderator  -:-  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F

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