Hello Alto Speckhardt & everyone else,

on 04-Mai-2005 at 23:30 you (Alto Speckhardt) wrote:

> With "Auto Format On" you can't make a paragraph (by pressing Return)
> without inserting an empty line after it. If you try it the next line
> is drawn back to append the previous one - as it should not be.

But a paragraph is always separated with an extra line. We're not writing
books, we're writing emails. :-) And turning auto-format on/off is only a
simple keyboard shortcut away. Now, if I could only remember it... :-)

> If you disable "Auto Format" then no formating is done to one
> paragraph in its own. Yo can have the first line only half full with
> no Return behind it, but now the next line is not drawn back - as it
> very well should be.

Thats why I'm not using auto-format but press ALT-L (if need by, like when
I insert something) when I'm completely done with typing a paragraph. That
works no matter where the cursor is placed in the paragraph.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

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