Hi Charlene and list,

On Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 13:35:20 GMT +0200 (which was 13:35 where
I live) Charlene Ferrara wrote (at least in parts) and made these
valuable points on the subject of "RC2: impossible to customise!":

> Thursday, May 5, 2005
> you sounded a little stressed when typing :

nice one - I like it ;-) but did you _really_ hear me cursing??? Sorry

> I use a German windows,

me too :-)

> so I try to retranslate it:

me too :-)

> go to control panel


> - system


> - more? or expand? -


> and look right down


> Set your two options

two? I just clicked _the_ one: (Fehlerberichterstattung deaktivieren)

> and: silence is golden

Thank you soooo much - I _knew_ I had it disabled once - but after a
re-installation, <sigh>


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