On 6/13/05, Avi Yashar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Everything looks normal, for now, but I will report any problems that
> I notice as they come up. The only immediate problem I have noticed up
> was with one new message template that employed a text file that I
> stored inside my TB installation directory. I won't make that mistake
> again, but fortunately I had only renamed my previous installation
> directory and so could easily retrieve the file.

Well, it didn't take long to run into a snag. I tried to do a search
on one the text in one folder. The progress bar indicates that the
search is about 10-20% done. 30 messages are found with the target
text ("text"). And then the Message Finder just hangs. The only way to
stop the process is with Ctrl-Alt-Del.

This never happened to me before. Perhaps it is a bug in OTFE. Either
way, it makes the OTFE version of TB unusable for me. So I'm going
back... and just hoping that I will be able to get everything running
as before.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (OTFE) 3.5.26

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