Hello James,

On Tuesday, 07 July 2005 at 08:04 AM you (James (Jay) Walker), also known as 
Avi, wrote:

>> I'm familiar with it, but TB! doesn't use that system. Never has. Why
>> should it now??

> Perhaps to be more clear and hence more user-friendly. Perhaps to
> conform with a popular international standard.

I'm feeling the same, the numbering system should be more user-friendly. The 
question is, if there are really international standards?! No, there aren't, 
are there?
The only international standard which implies user-friendliness is to have 
So I (we?) really would like to have one clear system, nothing more.
If that is v3.50 -> v3.51-> v3.60 or v3.5b1 -> v3.5b10 or v3.50.01 -> v3.50.10 
doesn't really matter to me.
But the system should proof that each TB! user could determine which version 
is the newest and why it's like that.

> Or could it be just your time of the month?

Now I've had the time of my life.... No I never felt like this before. ;-)

Manuel, http://www.manuel-breitfeld.de

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